Scapy development

Project organization

Scapy development uses the Git version control system. Scapy’s reference repository is at

Project management is done with Github. It provides a freely editable Wiki (please contribute!) that can reference tickets, changesets, files from the project. It also provides a ticket management service that is used to avoid forgetting patches or bugs.

How to contribute

  • Found a bug in Scapy? Add a ticket.

  • Improve this documentation.

  • Program a new layer and share it on the mailing list, or create a pull request.

  • Contribute new regression tests.

  • Upload packet samples for new protocols on the packet samples page.

Improve the documentation

The documentation can be improved in several ways by:

  • Adding docstrings to the source code.

  • Adding usage examples to the documentation.

Adding Docstrings

The Scapy source code has few explanations of what a function is doing. A docstring, by adding explanation and expected input and output parameters, helps saving time for both the layer developers and the users looking for advanced features.

An example of docstring from the scapy.fields.FlagsField class:

class FlagsField(BitField):
  """ Handle Flag type field

   Make sure all your flags have a label

       >>> from scapy.packet import Packet
       >>> class FlagsTest(Packet):
               fields_desc = [FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7"])]
       >>> FlagsTest(flags=9).show2()
       ###[ FlagsTest ]###
         flags     = f0+f3
       >>> FlagsTest(flags=0).show2().strip()
       ###[ FlagsTest ]###
         flags     =

   :param name: field's name
   :param default: default value for the field
   :param size: number of bits in the field
   :param names: (list or dict) label for each flag, Least Significant Bit tag's name is written first

It will contain a short one-line description of the class followed by some indications about its usage. You can add a usage example if it makes sense using the doctest format. Finally, the classic python signature can be added following the sphinx documentation.

This task works in pair with writing non regression unit tests.


A way to improve the documentation content is by keeping it up to date with the latest version of Scapy. You can also help by adding usage examples of your own or directly gathered from existing online Scapy presentations.

Testing with UTScapy

What is UTScapy?

UTScapy is a small Python program that reads a campaign of tests, runs the campaign with Scapy and generates a report indicating test status. The report may be in one of four formats, text, ansi, HTML or LaTeX.

Three basic test containers exist with UTScapy, a unit test, a test set and a test campaign. A unit test is a list of Scapy commands that will be run by Scapy or a derived work of Scapy. Evaluation of the last command in the unit test will determine the end result of the individual unit test. A test set is a group of unit tests with some association. A test campaign consists of one or more test sets. Test sets and unit tests can be given keywords to form logical groupings. When running a campaign, tests may be selected by keyword. This allows the user to run tests within the desired grouping.

For each unit test, test set and campaign, a CRC32 of the test is calculated and displayed as a signature of that test. This test signature is sufficient to determine that the actual test run was the one expected and not one that has been modified. In case your dealing with evil people that try to modify or corrupt the file without changing the CRC32, a global SHA1 is computed on the whole file.

Syntax of a Test Campaign

Table 1 shows the syntax indicators that UTScapy is looking for. The syntax specifier must appear as the first character of each line of the text file that defines the test. Text descriptions that follow the syntax specifier are arguments interpreted by UTScapy. Lines that appear without a leading syntax specifier will be treated as Python commands, provided they appear in the context of a unit test. Lines without a syntax specifier that appear outside the correct context will be rejected by UTScapy and a warning will be issued.

Syntax Specifier



Give the test campaign’s name.


Announce a new test set.


Announce a new unit test.


Announce keywords for the current unit test.


Denotes a comment that will be included in the report.


Testcase annotations that are discarded by the interpreter.

Table 1 - UTScapy Syntax Specifiers

Comments placed in the test report have a context. Each comment will be associated with the last defined test container - be it an individual unit test, a test set or a test campaign. Multiple comments associated with a particular container will be concatenated together and will appear in the report directly after the test container announcement. General comments for a test file should appear before announcing a test campaign. For comments to be associated with a test campaign, they must appear after the declaration of the test campaign but before any test set or unit test. Comments for a test set should appear before the definition of the set’s first unit test.

The generic format for a test campaign is shown in the following table:

% Test Campaign Name
* Comment describing this campaign

+ Test Set 1
* comments for test set 1

= Unit Test 1
~ keywords
* Comments for unit test 1
# Python statements follow
a = 1
print a
a == 1

Python statements are identified by the lack of a defined UTScapy syntax specifier. The Python statements are fed directly to the Python interpreter as if one is operating within the interactive Scapy shell (interact). Looping, iteration and conditionals are permissible but must be terminated by a blank line. A test set may be comprised of multiple unit tests and multiple test sets may be defined for each campaign. It is even possible to have multiple test campaigns in a particular test definition file. The use of keywords allows testing of subsets of the entire campaign. For example, during the development of a test campaign, the user may wish to mark new tests under development with the keyword “debug”. Once the tests run successfully to their desired conclusion, the keyword “debug” could be removed. Keywords such as “regression” or “limited” could be used as well.

It is important to note that UTScapy uses the truth value from the last Python statement as the indicator as to whether a test passed or failed. Multiple logical tests may appear on the last line. If the result is 0 or False, the test fails. Otherwise, the test passes. Use of an assert() statement can force evaluation of intermediate values if needed.

The syntax for UTScapy is shown in Table 3 - UTScapy command line syntax:

[root@localhost scapy]# ./ –h
Usage: UTscapy [-m module] [-f {text|ansi|HTML|LaTeX}] [-o output_file]
               [-t testfile] [-k keywords [-k ...]] [-K keywords [-K ...]]
               [-l] [-d|-D] [-F] [-q[q]]
-l              : generate local files
-F              : expand only failed tests
-d              : dump campaign
-D              : dump campaign and stop
-C              : don't calculate CRC and SHA
-q              : quiet mode
-qq             : [silent mode]
-n <testnum>    : only tests whose numbers are given (eg. 1,3-7,12)
-m <module>     : additional module to put in the namespace
-k <kw1>,<kw2>,...      : include only tests with one of those keywords (can be used many times)
-K <kw1>,<kw2>,...      : remove tests with one of those keywords (can be used many times)

Table 3 - UTScapy command line syntax

All arguments are optional. Arguments that have no associated argument value may be strung together (i.e. –lqF). If no testfile is specified, the test definition comes from <STDIN>. Similarly, if no output file is specified it is directed to <STDOUT>. The default output format is “ansi”. Table 4 lists the arguments, the associated argument value and their meaning to UTScapy.


Argument Value

Meaning to UTScapy



Input test file defining test campaign (default = <STDIN>)



File for output of test campaign results (default = <STDOUT>)



ansi, HTML, LaTeX, Format out output report (default = ansi)


Generate report associated files locally. For HTML, generates JavaScript and the style sheet


Failed test cases will be initially expanded by default in HTML output


Print a terse listing of the campaign before executing the campaign


Print a terse listing of the campaign and stop. Do not execute campaign


Do not calculate test signatures


Do not update test progress to the screen as tests are executed


Silent mode



Execute only those tests listed by number. Test numbers may be retrieved using –d or –D. Tests may be listed as a comma separated list and may include ranges (e.g. 1, 3-7, 12)



Load module before executing tests. Useful in testing derived works of Scapy. Note: Derived works that are intended to execute as “__main__” will not be invoked by UTScapy as “__main__”.


kw1, kw2, …

Include only tests with keyword “kw1”. Multiple keywords may be specified.


kw1, kw2, …

Exclude tests with keyword “kw1”. Multiple keywords may be specified.

Table 4 - UTScapy parameters

Table 5 shows a simple test campaign with multiple tests set definitions. Additionally, keywords are specified that allow a limited number of test cases to be executed. Notice the use of the assert() statement in test 3 and 5 used to check intermediate results. Tests 2 and 5 will fail by design.

% Example Test Campaign

# Comment describing this campaign
# To run this campaign, try:
#   ./ -t example_campaign.txt -f html -o example_campaign.html -F

* This comment is associated with the test campaign and will appear
* in the produced output.

+ Test Set 1

= Unit Test 1
~ test_set_1 simple
a = 1
print a

= Unit test 2
~ test_set_1 simple
* this test will fail
b = 2
a == b

= Unit test 3
~ test_set_1 harder
a = 1
b = 2
c = "hello"
assert (a != b)
c == "hello"

+ Test Set 2

= Unit Test 4
~ test_set_2 harder
b = 2
d = b
d is b

= Unit Test 5
~ test_set_2 harder hardest
a = 2
b = 3
d = 4
e = (a * b)**d
# The following statement evaluates to False but is not last; continue
e == 6
# assert evaluates to False; stop test and fail
assert (e == 7)
e == 1296

= Unit Test 6
~ test_set_2 hardest
print e
e == 1296

To see an example that is targeted to Scapy, go to Cut and paste the example at the bottom of the page to the file demo_campaign.txt and run UTScapy against it:

./test/run_tests -t demo_campaign.txt -f html -o demo_campaign.html -F -l

Examine the output generated in file demo_campaign.html.

Using tox to test Scapy

The tox command simplifies testing Scapy. It will automatically create virtual environments and install the mandatory Python modules.

For example, on a fresh Debian installation, the following command will start all Scapy unit tests automatically without any external dependency:

tox -- -K vcan_socket -K tcpdump -K tshark -K nmap -K manufdb -K crypto


This will trigger the unit tests on all available Python versions unless you specify a -e option. See below

For your convenience, and for package maintainers, we provide a util that run tox on only a single (default Python) environment, again with no external dependencies:


VIM syntax highlighting for .uts files

Copy all files from scapy/doc/syntax/vim_uts_syntax/ftdetect and scapy/doc/syntax/vim_uts_syntax/syntax into ~/.vim/ and preserve the folder structure.

If ftdetect/filetype.vim already exists, you might need to modify this file manually.

These commands will do the installation:

cp -i -v ftdetect/filetype.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect/filetype.vim
cp -i -v ftdetect/uts.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect/uts.vim
cp -i -v syntax/uts.vim $HOME/.vim/syntax/uts.vim

Alternatively, a install script in scapy/doc/syntax/vim_uts_syntax/ does the installation automatically.

Releasing Scapy

Under the hood, a Scapy release is represented as a signed git tag. Prior to signing a commit, the maintainer that wishes to create a release must:

  • check that the corresponding Travis and AppVeyor tests pass

  • run ./run_scapy locally

  • run tox

  • run unit tests on BSD using the Vagrant setup from scapy/doc/vagrant_ci/

Taking v2.4.3 as an example, the following commands can be used to sign and publish the release:

$ git tag -s v2.4.3 -m "Release 2.4.3"
$ git tag v2.4.3 -v
$ git push --tags

Release Candidates (RC) could also be done. For example, the first RC will be tagged v2.4.3rc1 and the message 2.4.3 Release Candidate #1.


To add a signing key, configure to use a SSH one, then register it via::

$ git config –global gpg.format ssh $ git config –global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/

Prior to uploading the release to PyPi, the mail address of the maintainer performing the release must be added next to his name in pyproject.toml. See this for details.

The following commands can then be used:

$ pip install --upgrade build
$ SCAPY_VERSION=2.6.0rc1 python -m build
$ twine check dist/*
$ twine upload dist/*


Make sure that you don’t have left-overs in your dist/ folder ! There should only be the source and the wheel for the package. Also check that the wheel ends in *-py3-none-any.whl !

Packaging Scapy

When packaging Scapy, you should build the source while setting the SCAPY_VERSION variable, in order to make sure that the version remains consistent.

$ SCAPY_VERSION=2.5.0 python3 -m build
Successfully built scapy-2.5.0.tar.gz and scapy-2.5.0-py3-none-any.whl

If you want to test Scapy while packaging it, you are encouraged to use the ./run_tests script with no arguments. It will run a subset of the tests that don’t use any external dependency, and will be easier to test. The only dependency is tox

$ ./test/run_tests